24 hours
Dear Younger Me,
How did you spend these past 24 hours? Did you get 8 hours of sleep? Were 8 at the high school? How did you spend your other 8? How many times did you laugh? Were any new dreams born?
How many times have you heard others say, “I just don’t have enough time?” Isn’t it funny? Yes, we all have different responsibilities, circumstances, values and commitments. Truthfully, each day that we are given has something similar and that’s we all have 24 hours. We might have different incomes, so our budgets look different. Something I have in common with you and everyone I will cross paths with today is the fact yesterday we all had 24 hours to spend. Not a second more or less than the next.
Again, seasons look different. I do not downplay responsibilities of others that I don’t currently have. Right now is the first time in my life that I’m not studying or preparing for a test. I have given a lot of time to classes in my past. Now, I am not attending one and have just gained time in my day to be spent on something else.
Something I challenge you in is this idea that it’s not about getting more time because you get 24 hours in a day and that’s not changing. Rather, how do you prioritize what makes up those 24 hours? Every season will come with a different capacity/flexibility. You do get to make choices. Those hours will vary depending on the season you find yourself in.
Time is something spent. For me, it is the most important investment decision you will make. There is a saying you will hear one day in a message that will stick with you, “What you feed thrives and what you starve dies.” In a similar way, you will see the impact of where you spend your time and the impacts of where you don’t.
Do you want to spend your time watching endless hours of reality tv, on a coffee date, a run, writing a blog or a nap? Truthfully, you don’t have enough time to do all of these today. You do have time to invest in a few throughout the week. What do you want to feed? None are right or wrong. All have different outcomes.
Stop fighting the pressure to get more time because that is an impossible task. I simply want you to feel satisfied that you gave the hours in your control to places worth investing.
You need sleep, you may have school and/or work, you may have other commitments, but you get to choose with those remaining 8 hours or even 30 minutes. What makes those moments worthwhile for you today?
There are a million little moments that make up the mosaic of our lives. Snapshots are being captured as I write to you. I look forward to seeing the moments that make up all the 24 hours that are still ahead.
What is important to you? I hope you get the chance to invest time in it today, this week, this month and this year.
With Love,
Older You