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Dear Younger Me,
What have you done today? I spent my morning getting an oil change at Honda and reading “Wicked.” Both are important to know. First, I know you are getting headaches from all the car repairs of your current car, just for it to break down again. Some hopeful news is that getting a Honda in college will change your mind, and you will fall in love with reliability. Second, you started to read in college! Apparently, books are enjoyable and stimulate your mind… who would have guessed? I know that information may be harder to digest than the first.
I want to address the idea of softening your mind and heart to this concept of reading. I’m not just talking about books. I wish you could see my cheesy grin right now because I’m about to blow your stinkin mind, my friend.
Books are informational, educating, entertaining, inspiring, challenging and so much more. Covers differ and each contain unique content that can cultivate growth in you if you’re willing. You are living in the most exciting library. Yes, there are countless stories walking around you. There is one way to read these books; you must ask questions, sit and listen to the audiobook as the individual shares the story and perspective that they hold.
You will read a lot of books on paper and don’t stop. Hearing the tales of individuals who surround you or cross your path at a random diner will flip your life upside down. Learning to appreciate differences, allowing perspectives to challenge you and respecting the beauty you see in each person.
I love you, little me and I want to acknowledge you are growing. I gotta say it, you’re a bit of a punk and your story does matter, but if you want to be a great writer then take time to first be a dedicated reader.
Writing is an incredible passion, and I will address that in my next letter to you because I don’t want to diminish the stories you carry. Rather, I want you to first see value in those around you and allow that to impact the novel that is to come of your life.
Millions of little moments are happening as I write to you. Each adding a new sentence. Narratives are legitimately being changed, and I need to calm down because the thought alone gets me hype. No need to wait a week for a new episode of whatever show you’re watching because you are surrounded by stories that are continually expanding.
What if all these books are a part of the biggest collection? Think about it… On your page you may be the main character but in some you play a supportive role and maybe just an extra for the day in another. What if the greatest role you play today isn’t in the book that you have so much focus on? What if your greatest role today is being the reason that a sentence ends with an exclamation mark in another novel?
Truthfully, I don’t have the answers. I have questions, ears and time to dedicate myself to learning and reading the unique books around me. What do you say, want to give it a try? It doesn’t have to be forced- that is down right uncomfortable for everyone involved. I’m simply encouraging you to recognize others and believe the people you cross paths with today hold a valuable story that deserves to be handled with care. Being a reader may be boiled down to choosing to care about others today.
With Love,
Older You