Hi, it’s me again


Dear Younger Me, 

Hey, It’s me or should I say you, again. I know you may never see these and that’s okay because these letters are filled with perspective gained in moments that may have been missed if you did. If one other person reads these and feels encouraged then I believe writing these will have been more than worth it. 

Transitions have been a recurring theme in this season. Like wind in the fall, it has stripped us down to see what’s left when things that last for a season have fallen away. I was pondering what I’d like to say to you today, but really I thought more about what I’d love to hear from you. 

Like a tree, the trunk remains as the roots have deepened and new extensions have formed. Every tree has its quirks, which I have come to love. Lately, you have been an inspiration as I’ve been trying to remember the trunk and the DNA that makes us us. 

Culture has put so many thoughts in my head of what my “ideals” should be. Google has answered questions that I don’t “need” to know the answer to. Society has suffocated me when trying to “fit” a mold that I don’t meet. 

In these moments, I remember, “How did I think about this as a child?” I thank you, because you have assisted me in this journey of defining my values. That was beneficial when I started a new career recently. No spoilers, but let’s just say it’s something you thoroughly enjoy watching/ and will pay your bills, allow for a unique lifestyle and you will truly think, “I love my job!” 

Starting the job scared you. After getting your college degree, you may feel like a failure if you don’t use it in your career. What freed me from these discouragements was remembering, “I never knew what jobs adults had when I was a kid. What I remember is how they made me feel. The adults who made me feel seen, loved and included were the individuals I looked up to.” See your perspective, redefined success in that moment. A pressure to use my degree fell to the side when I was reminded that success to me is about my heart and character in how I love others. 

Thank you for your perspective that wasn’t clouded by standards that you were oblivious to. Thank you for reminding me what childlike joy, wonder, excitement and hope look like. 

Today, I want to say it’s okay to be different, it’s okay to not know and it’s okay to never fit the mold. You were created uniquely and that is exactly how you are meant to operate. 

I look forward to being reminded of those pieces of us that may have been misplaced in “growing up.” 

With Love,

Older You


Thank you, 2024


In the waiting